Flapplin Help Page
All commands, all in one place! (Version 1.4.3-b157)
Note: The recent update only applies to W93 Trollbox.
Commands in other platforms don't get updated that much.
See also: Bot Help Pages
Available Platforms:
- -help - Shows the list of categories
- -uptime - Bot uptime how long has it been running
- -changelog - Current version information
- -about - Technical information, similar to Neofetch (OS, CPU, GPU, Memory)
- -myinfo - Shows your info such as name, home, and permission access level.
Text commands
All commands in this category (except -gayrate) require user input.
- -say - A string to say something
- -gayrate - How gay are you or something else (User input is optional)
- -insult - Insults the user
- -shuffle - Randomly jumble the characters
- -clap - Spaces👏are👏replaced👏with👏claps
- -quote - Anything to quote under your name
- -drunk - "RaNDoMcAsE" ~~ 🥴
Collection commands (Not available in TB++)
- -pal - Get a random pal (from Palworld)
- -dex - How much pals you/anyone else have
- -lookup - Check if you have a specific pal
Misc commands
- -name - Revert the name back to Flapplin, and color change back to red
- -othername - Randomly changes the bot name and color from the predetermined list (Color changing is not available in MsgRoom1&2)
- -train [length] - Creates a train with a number of wagons. Max 70 wagons
- -element [number] - Generates the names of elements
- -save [filename] [contents] - Saves the file. The "--readonly" attribute can be applied at the end of file to make it read-only.
- -load/read [filename] - Reads the file.
- -color [color or hex] - Change the bot's color [Hidden]
- -time/date - Shows the local time and date in UTC+3 (Moscow Standard Time) [Hidden]
Moderator/Admin commands [Hidden] (Not available in TB++)
Permission Access Level 2: Moderator
- -/ban [home] - Bans the user from using the bot. Admins are immune to bans.
- -/unban [home] - Unbans the user so they can use the bot
- -/room [room] - Moves bot to the room
Permission Access Level 3: Admin
- -/evaljs [code] - Run JavaScript code.
- -/giveadmin [home] - Adds the admin (Be careful to not add admin to unauthorized users!)
- -/givemod [home] - Adds the moderator (Be careful to not add mod to unauthorized users!)
- -/remadmin [home] - Removes the admin
- -/remmod [home] - Removes the moderator
Basic text commands
- -applevinyl - No, I'm not a copy of Applevinyl.
- -test - Just a testing command that does nothing, rather than sending a string of text.
- -youcant - You can't just fully copy the bot as the whole.
- -admcheck - Check if you're admin or not.
- -fullname/inazune - You probably don't need to know.
- -history - The greatest poem about Xeonix-Lowfenixx controversy
- -history-ru - The russian version of the greatest poem
- -history-es/historia - The spanish version of the greatest poem
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